Dr Justine Kluk - Consultant Dermatologist London

From London's Go-To Consultant Dermatologist for Acne Treatment

Dr Justine Kluk

Clear Skin Programme

A Personalised Roadmap to Overcome Adult Acne for Women

"Dr Kluk really listens and gives you an entirely bespoke plan, unlike some of her contemporaries who roll out a one size fits all plans for everyone, which fails to address more nuanced needs.
I couldn't recommend her enough."

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The Sunday Times
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How It Works

Dr. Justine Kluk, London’s leading acne dermatologist and skincare expert, teaches you how to build an effective, personalised acne treatment plan following the tried and tested process she uses with patients in her Harley Street clinic.

Get instant access to 4+ hours of on-demand explanation, guidance and worksheets. View at your own pace. Revisit anytime.

Track your symptoms and identify patterns, take notes, and actively observe your progress with a 50-page interactive workbook. You can reference it digitally or print it out for convenience.

Once you understand what’s happening with your skin and why, you’ll build a personalised treatment plan with products selected for your unique acne type.

Take Back Control of Your Skin

You Don’t Have to Accept Acne.

As London’s leading acne dermatologist, women arrive in my clinic every day seeking answers after battling acne for a long time. My team and I recognise how frustrated and hopeless they can feel. Our approach is to listen to the person in front of us and understand their skin in the context of how they live their lives and what is important to them. It allows us to provide care that is highly tailored to their unique skin needs – this is what makes treatment effective.

Now my aim is to extend this care to women with acne who are unable to visit my clinic because education, personalised care and skin confidence should be available to you wherever you are.

I am especially passionate about supporting women with acne because I know from my almost 30-year-long personal experience that acne impacts our wellbeing beyond the appearance of our skin…

The emotional and psychological effects of acne run wide and deep – and the distress it causes does NOT always correlate with what others can see. In other words, acne can make us feel sad, lonely, and isolated even when it’s not severe.

With little reliable information online and rushed medical appointments the norm, women try one skincare product after another that simply don’t work – or make things worse – believing that expert help is out of their reach. Or, we spend time and money on supplements and gimmicks that distract and delay us from receiving treatment that actually works.

It’s no wonder people with acne end up feeling resigned, like dealing with acne is inevitable and they just have to accept it, no matter how bad it makes them feel.

The Clear Skin Programme was designed to show you that you have more control than you think!

Treating acne isn’t about trying every serum, supplement or trending tool out there. It’s about finding an effective long-term strategy that’s specific to you.

Acne is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors, and it’s different from person to person; even when I can quickly confirm the diagnosis of acne in one of my patients, I won’t immediately know what the best course of treatment looks like. I have to gather more information first.

Through my programme, I’ll guide you to collect the information you need – in the same way I would in my clinic – to comprehensively understand what’s happening to your skin and why, identify your unique acne type and create a roadmap for recovery that is specific to you.

It’s quite possible you’ve been struggling with symptoms and no concrete answers or solutions for some time. I’m here to help.


most prevalent disease

Acne is the eighth most prevalent disease in the world. Not the eighth most prevalent skin disease—the eighth most prevalent disease, period.

0 %
 of people

will develop acne in their teens and twenties. However acne can persist into adulthood.


of females in their 30's have breakouts

Acne regresses by the age of 25 for many people, but not all; up to of females in their thirties have breakouts, along with ½ of women in their 20’s and ¼ of women in their 40’s.


are written every year for the treatment of acne and acne is the single most common reason that people go to see a dermatologist.

What You’ll Learn

in this comprehensive training

“How Long Does it Take to See Results?”

This is understandably the most common question I hear when a patient or Clear Skin Programme participant begins their treatment plan. When you’re living with acne, you want to see results fast.

The path to enjoying blemish-free skin isn’t always easy or quick. The length of time it takes to see results varies from person-to-person.

While some people experience improvements right away, others need more time. The idea that clear skin takes time can be a daunting prospect, and leads some people to continue seeking a quick fix. But they eventually learn the hard way that the “quick fix” ultimately delayed them on the path toward achievable and sustainable results.

That said, understanding the typical timeline of acne treatment results can help manage expectations and maintain commitment to a long-term skin care strategy.

The Curriculum

Understanding Acne

Learn what acne is, why it is affecting you in your adult years, and how and why it’s essential to identify your unique acne type to determine effective treatment.

When It’s Not Acne?

Several skin conditions can be mistaken for acne; learn what these are, how to identify them, and the action steps to take to develop a treatment plan.

Treating Acne

Everyone’s acne is different, and treatment needs to be unique to you. Develop a step-by-step personalised skincare treatment plan with proven product recommendations and variations that can be aligned to your skin type.

Beyond Conventional Treatment

Your gut and skin have two unique microbiomes that impact one another. A healthy gut is important for healthy, radiant skin. Learn how nutrition and the health of your gut microbiome impacts your skin, and how to optimise the gut-skin connection.

Most women with acne try to find the best treatments by trial and error... it doesn't need to be so hard.

We pick products that “sound right,” then second guess ourselves if we don’t get immediate results.

We buy into burdensome diet programmes that promise a prescription-free route to clear skin, but lack an evidence base and restrict our enjoyment of food.

We go all in on that brand our friends or social media influencers tell us is the new miracle that will solve all our problems. Sadly, it doesn’t.

Over time, this can lead us in circles. Without a clear roadmap to follow, a lot of women irritate their skin as much as they help it.

The truth is that “skin types” are more of a marketing concept than a dermatological one. It’s a good idea to give customers the impression that your product is meant specifically for them, but in reality, the “skin types” you’ll find in stores (like “oily or combination skin”) are too broad and lack nuance, without any official standards, qualifications or definitions-and they lead a lot of people to “push back” against their skin type when the reality is considerably more complicated than that.

And while it’s tempting to believe in quick fixes, we shouldn’t rely on our friends for acne treatment recommendations. Your skin is different from theirs, and (whether you realise it or not), accepting skincare advice from non-dermatologists often requires you to assume everyone’s skin is essentially the same, which is definitely not true.

That’s why I created this programme, to offer expert guidance that equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to build an effective acne treatment plan and skincare routine that’s personalised to you.

Clear Skin Programme

A Personalised Roadmap to Overcome Adult Acne for Women

£159 £79

"Dr Kluk is the doctor we all need! My skin has never looked better." — Current Patient

Frequently Asked Questions

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Meet Dr Justine Kluk


London’s leading acne dermatologist

Dr Justine Kluk is a Consultant Dermatologist & skincare expert with a specialist interest in acne treatment.

Having suffered from acne, she understands the frustration and helplessness it can cause. Her own personal experience was the reason she went to medical school to become a Dermatologist.

Combining the latest and most effective prescriptions with individualised instruction on skincare, Dr Justine’s acne treatment strategies are highly personalised, evidence-based and scientifically verified.